Designed by Apple in California

/ Design

这次的 WWDC Keynote Intro 很有意思,苹果用一段简洁、抽象的 motion graphic 阐述了其最新的设计理念(下面的视频请翻墙观看)。

If everyone is busy making everything, how can anyone perfect anything? We start to confuse convenience with joy, abundance with choice. Designing something requires focus.

The first thing we ask is what do we want people to feel — delight, suprise, love, connect. Then we begin to craft around our intention. It takes time.

There are a thousand no’s, for every yes. We simplify, we perfect, we start over, until everything we touch enhances each life it touches.

Only then we sign our work: Designed by Apple in California.

这段话放在当下这个世界,用做提醒是恰好的。观察一下周围,设计都是浮躁的,不管是做的人,还是看的人。似乎一个漂亮的外观就意味着 good design,似乎从一个孤立的片段就能看出「设计」的趋势和方向。我们为 flat 和 skeuomorphism 争吵了那么久,但 iOS 7 发布的时候有提到一次「flat」吗?没有。

Jonathan Ive 说:

Translucency gives you a sense of context.

This plains combined with a new approach of animation and motion create a sense of depth and vitality.

(from iOS 7 Video Demo with John Ive)

但是谁在乎呢?我们都在关心那个半透明的「风格」像极了 Vista,那个「扁平」的「风格」像极了 Windows Phone,那个什么设计又抄袭了谁谁谁。我们只会对针对外观作出浅薄的结论,我们不会去理解那些意图(intention),更不会去理解产生这些意图背后的原因。什么是 sense of context?什么是 sense of depth?为什么要 sense of depth?我们根本不愿去想。我们只会跟「风格」、「体验」这些虚无的词语中转圈,在这些虚无的概念中循环往复、永无止境地纠结。


There are a thousand no’s for every yes. 设计不是一件那么简单的事。

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